1 Month Prepaid - Unlimited Entry
Climb + Gym
£65 / £55 {Concession}
* Concessions will only be applied with proof !
Students {Unidays is not valid} , Teachers, Blue Light Services, Fire Rescue Services
Single Entry
£12.50 / £10 {Concession}
Single Entry Off Peak {9am - 4pm on weekdays}
£9 / £8 {Concession}
Student Wednesday
£7 {Shoes included}
Climbing Shoe/Chalk Hire
10 Entry Punch Card
£100 / £85 {Concession}
Monthly Rolling Memberships - Unlimited Entry
Cancel/Freeze anytime. Cheaper than 5 single entries per month! Easy to set up and with PERKS! Only applies for the first two options. 1 Free coffee from 6-12pm (espresso or americano) 1 Free Sauna a month (off peak 9-4pm, can only be booked on reception) Unlimited guest passes (for first time visitors) 10% off shoes Half price pad hire Special Recurrent Members price on events Guidebook library
Climb, Gym + Sauna
Climb + Gym
£58 / £49 {Concession}
Student Membership
Gym + Sauna
Gym only
Sauna only